"Diamond Jim" Parker's Little World of MiniaturesSideshow"Kitbashing" How-ToModel TrainsSideshow Slideshow3 Ring CircusClown Alley  



Videos | Definitions

Jim Parker was a member of Circus Model Builders, Inc.

Watch Videos of Jim Parker at Work


Video: Embellishing Kits

Video: "Embellishing Kits"

Video: How He Started

Video: "How He Started"

Video: Four Models

Video: "Four Models"


Alternative Methods of Model Building

Jim Parker building a model animal arenaJim Parker's miniature worlds are products of "kitbashing." (You may click on the play button next to a bold faced term to hear Jim explain it himself).

KitBashing: Starting to create models from a specific kit, but then deviating from the plans included to create exactly what you want.

Kit-Detailing: Following the plans in a model kit, but adding hardware or other embellishments to the model as a personal touch.

Scratch Building: Creating miniatures with raw materials like balsa wood without a store-bought kit or plans.

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